Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I understand, but Rahul, why do people lie?

Thank-you for writing Rahul.

I hope that you will keep doing it and that other people will join us in the conversation. I really hope that they will try to communicate as best as they can also, in order to create a peaceful dialogue and not a huge wave of criticism on us, so that everybody can expose their idea without feeling ashamed or tortured by the thought of being criticized personally and openly. It is already hard to take a step and say what we think without being anonymous. We need to have freedom to speak in an open and favorable environment.

Rahul, I understand your point. War is ugly, from every angle, on every single side. And never ever, will anybody make me believe the opposite.

You say that 'the truth about the present war against Iraq is that it was launched on the basis of manufactured lies'- there are no weapons of mass destruction over there.

My question is: But why do people lie?

Why do they lie in the first place and make people think that in some cases, it can be right to kill someone else? What is it to them? People in power convincing others of moral codes... What is it to anybody, if you don't get anything in return? Unless your are one of those people who care for real.

Words and values without aim to action = nothing, air, wind. So, there has to be an action and a goal (or a goal to act). Then maybe in that case, it is a protective act 'no other choices for the immediate security of people, us or them';'Otherwise, we'll destroy ourselves'.

How terrifying. That's not what I want. Nobody wants that, unless you are suicidal. We want to be protected.

Or maybe, the act is to get petrolium, sell it, become someone.

WHO can I trust? It really is hard to tell.

For that person in position of power though, he/she knows what he/she's doing.

Why would someone lie? Isn't lying a sort of protection against something? I don't say 'this, this and this' because you might think that I am 'this, this and this' or that my motives are wrong. Why would I bother about what you think of me in the first place? Because I need your support? Your appreciation? What am I without that support? Nothing? A lonely human being with crazy ideas of destruction, or power?

Do people lie to be valuable in the eyes of others? That would be so sad. And yet, who can claim that 'ha it's ok if people don't value(love) me!'. Very few people, I would assume. Let's say a few free people.

More so and more terrible would be that everybody would believe a lonely human being that needs to be someone in the eyes of others. Why would they trust him and be willing to follow his orders? Because there is no other choice or to be valuable/protected in the eyes of others/from others, also? That would be a very vicious cycle of insecurities, indeed.

Do you think that it could be that simple? That it would be at the core of all our human drama? Or is it more complex? Maybe it is if we add fears, desires, love, pain and the fact that we change and learn through others.

Would there be a way out?

For now, it's just too much on my plate and I'll start by myself and act good myself.

I'm filled with questions. Thank-you for being outspoken, but still respectful of others (not racist) and real to me (not anonymous). It takes a lot of courage.

This week, I asked some questions to Dave Surette, our Technical Director and Production Manager.

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