Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Les vallons de l'expression -V.O.A. (general)

Sorry I was away for a while - these babies (blogs) do ask a lot of time and attention;

And yes, I do kill plants, but it's never volitional.

Everything is moving along. I see the prod. notes passing by as days go on and, it's gonna be amazing people! Phone is pretty busy in here. We've got high schools groups coming to the show! Yeah! I'm so so happy! I wonder how many times these students will have seen a theatre play that political, that professional and that emotional.

We'll also be in the Hour and in the Mirror this week -great exposure- and really with how 'energy-vore' it is to get somebody to talk about your show, to be forbidden by many many schools/ CEGEP/ Universities to put posters or flyers in their establishments and to present a show in ENGLISH, with ANGLOPHONE publicity material, is quite a task. As a student at Concordia, I did hear people talking about the fragile 'anglophone theatre world' in Montreal compared to the colossal 'francophone one' and I used to think 'ya, ya... We've heard you, are you done complaining? Come on, be brave'.. Well, now that I am experiencing it, I still think the 'be brave' is valuable but I do understand more the complaint, and I empathize. For sure, it's a mountain to put on a play in french. But when you reach the top of the mountain, even higher than the Mont Royal, and you're a little exhausted and the sun shines on you, and you ask for a glass of water and you're so thirsty and you see some people who might want to see the so-moving show that you're working for because they might wanna grow, and you see a clear spot on the wall, and you ask kneeling but still filled with good will ' would you mind if I put a poster thereeeeee'

' sure, what is is about?'
'Oh, the war in Iraq, and so much profound human nature insights surrounding it'
'T H E A A A T R R R E.. hummm, interesting. (you think that you might be an extraterrestrial) well show me your poster, girl! (you're so positive about life in general)
' Ah, it's in english! No sorry, we can't put that on, our clients throw forks at us when we put anglophone music here'
' But mister, mister, I walked 2 miles up, and I'm a francophone too, and I'm thirsty, and I love anglophones too, and I would like people to be conscious, everybody, even you and that despaired beer-drinker over there, and, haaaaaa...'-Last breath

Do you get me? The mountain is the same, but with an extra special ingredient, right at the top, as a cherry -which makes it even sweeter when the only thing you need at that point is a - 'yes girl, here's a whole fountain just for you, and I do understand you desire about a world without language-frontiers. A 'lineless' world. I will go over traditions and the place's policy! No problem.'

Ok, this might be excessive, but, but, but, I cannot be imagining all of it. Part of it is true.

So I'm proud of our team for climbing the steep hill and I think that using this 'demanding baby' that is this blog is one of the ways that we found to talk to you. The exposure is small and I'm sort of rambling, but I am free to invite you, whoever you are, whatever you speak, however you look and dress, whoever you go out with (or do not go out with) and whatever you think and do. All that, at the top of the hill.

I'm fine. :)


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