Do you like listening to radio? I love this medium and I rarely watch TV. There is too much mise en scene on TV in opposition to listening to the radio which allows you to imagine what you want...So let's play the radio and I will be the animator...
Ladies and gentlemen, today I will take you in a trip to the other side of the Atlantic...we will go to Marrakech to listen to the GNAWA music. It s a style of Moroccan music developed by sub-Saharian Africans who came there many centuries ago. The song is called " My Trance" and is made in Montreal by Said Mesnaoui and Transe Gnawa. This music of The Maghreb can find its echo in Baghdad where the events of TRUTH AND TREASON take place. In other words, the trance can be a way to forget momentarily the inability of millions of people to understand what is happening around. It happens often that we discuss with friends there the current wars in the area and the political, economic, social situation in the Arab World trying to clarify the reasons of the depressing reality, and you talk, you talk, you talk finishing the discussion every time with the same statement " Oh! My God! It s complicated", having a bitter taste in the mouth!!! The discussion becomes a way of trance too!!!
So, when you see that the dreams of the majority of your people are shattered, that pseudo-modern political systems are always waiting for orders from powerful countries, that millions of innocents are victims of stupid conflicts and wars, come and join our TRANCE...but not like an ostrich which hides the head in the sand ...Join the trance, to dance , to get energy, and to continue the fight...Sure, our radio is too idealist but is near to the TRUTH and disgusts TREASON...
You'll hear at the beginning of the recording a statement in Arabic. I translate it " Look! Look my dear! my name is Abdelghafour Elaaziz, and, you are listening, now, to Dan Behrman , Espace Musique, Radio Canada,,,,I swear! I swear!) wallah wallah.
Thank you for your attention dear audience...thank you Stef...
Abdelghafour Elaaziz
With Dan Behrman's permission to use the song... Thanks Dan.

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